Surface Map dimensions do not match current DEM dimensions. Surface Map ignored. Insufficient memory (gp2). Insufficient memory (gp1). Insufficient memory (gp0). Insufficient memory (hbuf). Insufficient memory (hbuf_ptrs). Insufficient memory (bbuf). Insufficient memory (bbuf_ptrs). Insufficient memory (cbuf). Insufficient memory (cbuf_ptrs). Insufficient memory (mbuf). Insufficient memory (mbuf_ptrs). Not a Script file. View buffer not available. Not enough memory. DEM file too big. Error writing file. Error reading file. Error opening file. Not a VistaPro DEM file. DEM file outside of current region. No Memory for compressed data. Not enough memory for 24-Bit Buffer. Not enough Memory. No View in Memory. Insufficient memory (starmap) Data format error. End of Script. Error adding movie resource. Error trying to create movie. The function requires a 24-Bit Buffer. This function requires an 8-Bit Buffer. Unable to allocate Backup Map. (UNDO will not be available.) Unable to allocate Surface Map Viewer. (Memory too low.) Not Enough Memory Format error in script. Error running script. User aborted script. Must have either 8 Bit or 24 Bit Buffer enabled. Not enough memory for 8 Bit Buffer. Not enough memory for 24 Bit Buffer. Couldn't change the screen size to the desired settings. (Probably out of memory.) Could not allocate temporary buffer. (Probably out of memory.) Could not read PICT file into memory.